Published graphic names changed

May 16, 2024

Hello all,

I am new and learning the process in Storyline 360 and I noticed that when I import graphics/animations/etc into the library, the original file name is saved as is. (example: Lion.png). I publish the lesson to test the functionality of what I am looking for and I noticed in the mobile folder the name does not stay Lion.png it changes to a randomized file name like "5awmd0refis.png". I have looked around and I cannot find a post or settings help to not change the name. Can anyone point me in the right direction or help with this so I can publish and keep the name as Lion.png" in the mobile folder? Thanks

5 Replies
Judy Nollet

There isn't a setting to make Storyline keep the original file names of images or other inserted media when it publishes a course. 

I assume that's because the program has to ensure there are no duplicated names and that all names follow certain rules (e.g., no spaces). It's easier to just rename everything than to try to program for all sorts of exceptions.

Learners won't see the file names, so, ultimately, they don't matter.

Everett Johnston

Copy that, I just have a number of lessons where we have a search tool application that will look for the original file names so we know what location they are in within our published files and database. In case the graphic needs an update, we use the search tool to look and with several modules it is very time consuming to rename the graphic files so was hoping for a faster way of publishing without the manual work. Thank you for the reply.

Jürgen Schoenemeyer

on publish storyline is not using  the original filename*, e.g.

NEVER change the names !

if you want to change images you can use the internal Media Library of Storyline

* the filenames are derived from a generated unique GUID, special characters in file names are therefore no problem

Everett Johnston

Copy all, we did try changing the published file names back, the names in the library and it does not seem to work ...we are looking into one of the xml files that is published and directing our app to look inside that particular xml file and will see if it pulls a result in our search. 

Thanks for the help